The resolution of NSSMC № 1464, dated 13.08.2013 that confirmed the Regulation on certification of specialists in Stock Market came into effect on 18 November 2013.
About the company
New version of the statute of the company was registered on 11 November 2013.
The results of the company activity at the end of 2nd quarter of 2013
AMC rating according to the assets value (AV) of venture CII under management, 2nd quarter of 2013
25th place among 284 companies according to the following indices:
Rank | AMC, name | AV under management, hrn. | Share of assets on the market of venture CII, % |
25 | LLC "AMC "МТIR ASSET MANGEMENT" | 1 747 247 156.81 | 0,85 |
AMC rating according to the increase of assets value of venture CII under management, 2nd quarter of 2013
4th place among 284 companies according to the following indices:
Rank | AMC, name | AV at the end of the quarter, hrn. | AV at the beginning of the quarter, hrn. | Change of AV, hrn. | Change of AV, % |
4 | LLC "AMC "МТIR ASSET MANGEMENT" | 1 747 247 156.81 | 1 301 678 928.07 | 445 568 228.74 | 34.23 |